Advanced Certificate of Dermatology and Skin Cancer
This course bundle provides comprehensive training designed to equip general practitioners with the essential knowledge and skills to address commonly seen skin presentations.
This highly comprehensive, 12 module program has been designed to equip general practitioners with a sound understanding of skin diseases commonly seen in primary care.
Start your journey toward successful completion of the Advanced Certificate in General Dermatology. This module can be also taken as a stand-alone course.
Developed and delivered by Australian trained and based Dermatologists this online course will teach participants the skills and knowledge to identify the skin signs of systemic disease.
Developed and delivered by Australian trained and based Dermatologists. Abnormalities of hair and nails, may be specific diseases in themselves, or signs of underlying disease.
This online course will familiarise you thoroughly with acne and rosacea and to provide the facts required to confidently manage patients with mild to moderate symptoms of both.
This online course will familiarise you with Atopic dermatitis (AD), otherwise called atopic eczema, which forms part of the atopic triad with asthma and allergic rhinitis.
This online course will train you to properly diagnose the appropriate skin treatment, provide reassurance, or initiate the appropriate referral when presented with light related skin disease & pigmentation disorders.
Dermatological Emergencies
This online course will train you to recognise any very extensive rash, particularly where blistering or purpura is present.